Sunday, June 19, 2011

Easy Introduction- Chinese Fortune Tellings

A lot of people want to know their future and destiny through fortune-telling, Among of the asia countries, fortune-telling is the Chinese practice of predicting information about a person's life, often commercially. There are most types of Chinese Fortune-Telling which quite popular in Asia.

1.)Face Reading (面相)
2.)Palm reading (手相)
3.)Kau Cim (求签)
4.)Zi wei dou shu (紫微斗数)
5.)Bazi (八字)
6.)Wen Wang Gua or Man Wong Gua (文王卦)
7.)Liu Yao (六爻)
8.)Mei Hua Yi Shu or Mui Fa Yik Sou (梅花易数)
9.)Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲)
10.)Wu Xing Yi (五行易)
11.)Yik Lam (易林)
12.)Yin Kam (演禽)
13.)Yin and Yang Bowl (阴阳杯)
14.)Tik Pan San Sou (铁板神数)
15.)Wong Kek Yin Sou (皇极易数)
16.)Seven Major and Four Minor Stars (七政四馀)
17.)Three Generation Life (三世书)
18.)Yin Kam Fa (演禽法)
19.)Chin Ting Sou (前定数)
20.)Leung Tou Kam (两头钳)
21.)Da Liu Ren (大六壬)
22.)Tai Yi Shen Shu (太乙神数)
23.)Cheng Gu Ge (称骨歌)
24.)Zhou Yi (周易)
25.)Yi Jing Numerology
26.)Date and Time Yi Jing
27.)Visual Yi Jing
28.)Huang Ji Jing Shi (皇极经世)
29.)He Luo Li Shu
30.)Di Li Feng Shui
31.)Jiu Gong Ming Li (九宫命理)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for such a wonderful post. The information in your post is really wonderful. Foretelling the future is one popular subject all over the world. This is due to the reason that nobody really knows what lies ahead in their life.
    Fortune Telling India
